DeGBS 2025 Conference Registration

Registration Information

Due to the limited space and the cancellation policies of the location, deadline for registration is March 10, 2025. In case of the number of registrations exceeding the number of available spots, preference will be given to presenters of accepted abstracts. We will notify at the latest on March 15, 2025 about acceptance and availability of rooms in Schloss Fürstenried.

Registration Fees:

DeGBS meeting without room in Fürstenried

Students/Retirees       350 EUR
DeGBS Members        400 EUR
Non-members              450 EUR

Registration fees include access to location, lunch and dinner, coffee breaks and access to the satellite symposium.

If you want to book a room from the reserved contingent in Creo Munich Süd hotel (link to CREO Hotel), please contact the local organizers via: E-Mail ->

DeGBS meeting with room in Fürstenried für 2 nights (Monday-Wednesday)

Students/Retirees       510 EUR
DeGBS Members        560 EUR
Non-members              610 EUR

additional night from Sunday Sep 28 -Monday Sep 29     80 EUR

Registration fees include access to location, lunch and dinner, coffee breaks, access to satellite symposium and single room or double room (according to availability) with breakfast. Please indicate if you would be prepared to share a room and the name of the potential roommate, and make sure that your roommate indicates your name, too. Additional rooms can be booked from Sunday Sep 28 -Monday Sep 29.

Satellite Symposium on Wednesday afternoon only: 58 EUR

Registration fee includes Registration fees include access to location, lunch and coffee breaks

The online registration ill open soon!