jDeGBS-Mentoring-Program Update
The Mentoring-Program of the jDeGBS is aimed at motivated DeGBS members of all experience levels and disciplines and is initially designed for a period of one year with the possibility to extend the mentoring period. It offers motivated young scientists the opportunity to apply as a mentee as well as more experienced researchers or medical professionals with a university, clinical or industrial background to engage as a mentor to support the development and strengthen the development of professional skills of young scientists from the field of radiation research. The jDeGBS-Mentoring-Program provides a platform for personal, open exchange and networking among each other. For this purpose, the mentor/mentee pairs are carefully selected with the help of a questionnaire and the networking of all interested young scientists is encouraged through a separate (peer consulting) platform. Both aspects will support the personal and scientific development and encourage the young scientists on their career path in radiation research.
Additional information regarding the details about the jDeGBS-Mentoring-Program, target groups the application process for mentees and mentors as well as peer consulting groups as further networking possibilities is provided under the respective subsections.
Important information:
• Deadline Applications: There will be no deadline to apply to the jDeGBS-Mentoring-Program, applications will be accepted throughout the year<span
• Matching process: Matching process will begin shortly after receiving your application information
• Peer Consulting Group: If you would like to be a member of the peer consulting group without participating in the jDeGBS-Mentoring-Program please contact us