Award winners 2024
Laura Ruspeckhofer at the EWRR 2024 Laura Ruspeckhofer – Translational Radiobiology, Department of Radiation Oncology, Uniklinikum Erlangen (AG Prof. Dr. Udo Gaipl, AG Dr. Lisa Deloch)
Experience report EWRR 2024:
Thanks to the DeGBS international travel scholarship, I had the great opportunity to attend the 43rd European Workshop for Rheumatology Research (EWRR) in Genoa, Italy. This congress offered a comprehensive insight into current and future developments in rheumatology research. Through my participation I got to know leading scientists and their research. Of particular interest for me was the session on “Gender, Stress, and Immune System Response”, as it provided crucial insights for my own work. Another highlight was the keynote lecture, „New Horizons in Autoinflammatory Diseases,“ by Dan Kastner, M.D., Ph.D. from the National Institutes of Health, US, which provided an outstanding and fascinating insight into this subject area. However, I also had the chance to share my own research in a poster session with an international audience and discuss its significance with rheumatology researchers and clinicians. Finally, I again want to give my sincere gratitude to the DeGBS for supporting my participation!